Bladder Cancer Patient Guide
Guide with information about how to diagnose, treat and manage bladder cancer, including a patient perspective.… more
Living Healthy Cookbook with Information about Urologic Cancers
Part of managing cancer includes a healthy diet and lifestyle. This educational cookbook has recipes from celebrity chefs and is designed to help those affected by urologic cancers.… more
Prostate Health Playbook
Download this football-themed prostate health resource covering prostatitis, BPH, incontinence as well as information on prostate cancer to include screening and treatment options.… more
Carcinoma della vescica - Guida per il paziente
Ci sono molti metodi per trattare la malattia. Questa guida parla del carcinoma della vescica e di cosa può essere fatto al riguardo. Imparare a riconoscere i sintomi del cancro della vescica e, in loro presenza, intervenire subito. (Bladder Cancer Patient Guide)… more
Salute della prostata - Playbook
Una risorsa sulla salute della prostata a tema sportivo che copre la prostatite, l’IPB e lo screening del cancro alla prostata, il trattamento e la vita dopo il cancro alla prostata. (Prostate Health Playbook)… more
Cáncer de próstata avanzado Guía para pacientes
Esta guía para pacientes está destinada a todas las personas con una glándula prostática. Es muy valioso saber que todas las personas que nacen con género masculino genético tienen una próstata. Cualquier “género” puede tener una próstata, y todas las personas con próstata deben saber acerca del cáncer de próstata. El cáncer de próstata es el segundo cáncer más común en hombres en Estados Unidos. (Advanced Prostate Cancer Patient Guide)… more
Hiperplasia Benigna de Próstata (HBP) Guía para el Paciente
ISi usted ha sido diagnosticado de Hiperplasia Benigna de Próstata (HBP), conocida como próstata grande, no esta solo. Es una condición muy frecuente en los varones conforme cumplen años. (BPH Patient Guide)… more
Guía para pacientes con cáncer de vejiga
Hay distintas maneras de tratar el cáncer de vejiga. Esta guía le informará sobre el cáncer de vejiga y lo que puede hacer al respecto. Conozca los síntomas del cáncer de vejiga y, si observa alguno de ellos, actúe con rapidez. (Bladder Cancer Patient Guide)… more
UrologyHealth extra® – Special Firefighter Issue
Download this special issue for the firefighter community that includes information for patients and caregivers on urologic cancer, how to stay healthy, how to start talking with your health care team and how to protect yourself.… more
UrologyHealth extra® – Bladder Cancer Special Issue
Download this special issue focusing on bladder cancer that includes information for patients and caregivers on the basics such as the stages of this cancer, symptoms, treatments, risk factors and how to learn more.… more
UrologyHealth extra® – Navigating Prostate Cancer
Download this special issue focusing on prostate cancer that includes information for patients and caregivers on risk factors, healthy living tips and more.… more