AUA Summit - Avoid a UTI as the Summer Heats Up


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Avoid a UTI as the Summer Heats Up

Avoid a UTI as the Summer Heats Up

By: Urology Care Foundation | Posted on: 26 Jul 2017

Avoid a UTI as the Summer Heats Up

The summer months of June, July and August can increase your risk for getting a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). Men, women and children can get UTIs, but women are four times more likely than men to get one. Most UTIs are not dangerous and can be treated with medicine.

As the heat and humidity rise, it's easier for germs to grow. It's also easier to lose fluids, and people who don't stay hydrated could have a higher risk of getting a UTI. If the UTI is treated early, then there will likely be no lasting effect on your urinary tract.

If you're a woman, you should be aware of the following 5 tips to help avoid a UTI:

  1. Urinating after sex may lower the risk of UTI by flushing out bacteria that may have gotten into the urinary tract during intercourse.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids to keep well hydrated.
  3. Don't put off urinating when you need to and don't rush to finish. Holding in urine and not draining your bladder fully can increase your risk of UTIs.
  4. Wipe from front to back to keep bacteria around the anus from getting into the vagina or urethra. 
  5. Be aware that certain forms of birth control, such as spermicidal foam and diaphragms, are known to increase the risk of UTIs in women. Check with your health care provider about other types of birth control.

In addition, it's important to know these likely signs of UTIs:

  • Pain or burning when you urinate
  • Frequent urination
  • Pain in your back or side near the ribs
  • Pressure in your lower belly
  • Urine that is cloudy, bloody or has a strong odor
  • Fever or chills

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