AUA Summit - Urology for Kids


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Posted on: 06 Aug 2021

Smiling man and woman holding child

You’ve just learned your family should think about making a visit to see a pediatric urologist.  So, what is a pediatric urologist and how are they able to help kids?

These special doctors can help with your child's urinary or reproductive system.  Since children’s bodies are not the same as adults, these doctors have the skills to care for patients from birth through the teen years. They can help children feel at ease and they have special training to help with their care.

So, what makes these doctors so special? Pediatric urologists are surgeons and medical doctors. They can help you learn if your child has any urinary or genital issues, and if they do, they can help treat them. They have a lot of training to be able to treat kids with urology issues.  These doctors train for as many as 12-14 years. This involves medical school, training in urology and extra years of training so they can provide care for kids.

Pediatric urologists treat many health issues, from bedwetting and UTIs to other issues, such as those that may need surgery. You and your family can learn more with the Urology Care Foundation.

The below free downloads can be used to help you learn more about urology for kids.

Podcast: Don't Freak Out! Urology for Kids with Dr. Courtney Rowe

Urology for Kids Resources

Urology for Kids Videos

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