Urology Care Foundation - Fall 2020


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Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer

About 800,000 people today are living with bladder cancer in the United States. For about one-fourth of these patients, the cancer has spread into the muscle of the bladder. This is known as muscle-invasive bladder cancer. …more

Insights: Urostomy

If you need to have bladder cancer surgery, your surgeon may create a small, spout-like hole called a stoma in your abdominal wall. Your urine will pass out of the body through the stoma into a bag called a urostomy pouch.…more

Urology Mythbusters: Fall 2020

For men with small, low-risk prostate cancer tumors that are slow growing, active surveillance may be a great option vs. surgery. Active surveillance involves closely watching the prostate cancer for any signs of growth. Certain exams and tests are done on a regular schedule to monitor the cancer, but no treatment is given unless test results show the cancer is getting worse.…more

What are Alternatives to Opioid-based Pain Medication?

Opioids are a type of drug used to help manage pain. A health care professional may give you a prescription opioid to reduce pain after a major injury or surgery. These powerful drugs are important tools for managing pain. But they can also be harmful. …more

How is an MRI used to Detect Prostate Cancer?

An MRI scan is one of the imaging tests your doctor may order to help diagnose prostate cancer. They may also use it to decide the best treatment. The scan uses radio waves and strong magnets to craft detailed images of soft tissues in the body. It is a non-invasive test and is considered safe for most patients.…more