Urology Care Foundation - What is Neonatal Testicular Torsion?


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What is Neonatal Testicular Torsion?

Testicular Torsion is when a testicle twists around the spermatic cord. When this happens, it cuts off the blood flow to the testicle. It should be treated as a medical emergency.

This is a rare problem that may occur in men of any age. Though rare, it is most common in boys ages 12 to 18 and newborns. But, if your newborn son is diagnosed with it, we offer information that may help.

If the testes do not properly attach to the scrotum (as a birth defect), they can move and twist inside the scrotal sac. When the testicle twists, the blood supply to it is cut off. Without its blood supply, a testicle could "die." This problem can occur during pregnancy, before delivery or around the time of birth.

What happens under normal conditions?

The testicles (also called testes) are part of the male reproductive system. One testicle is called a testis. Normally, these organs are found within a sac of skin called the scrotum, hanging below the penis.

Late in pregnancy, the testes move down from the abdomen into the scrotum. At birth, all but 3% of male babies will have both testicles drop. As this happens, a small cord of tissue, known as the gubernaculum, guides the testes down.

After the testes have moved into the scrotum, they become attached. The gubernaculum connects to the inside of the scrotum and keeps the testes in place. Blood vessels and nerves pass through the spermatic cord to the scrotum. They "feed" the testicles to keep them alive and well.


The testes should be about the same size. If a baby's testicle is firm or very red, this suggests a problem. If it is firm or does not move, this is a sign of potential torsion. If the testis twisted some time before birth, the testicle may have already shrunken down to a very small size. It may be so small that may be considered missing.

With testicular torsion, the scrotum will be very tender, red and swollen or firm. The baby will be very uncomfortable.

Testicular torsion is a medical emergency. Since all blood for the testis comes through the spermatic cord, a twisted cord cuts the blood supply. The testis will shrink ("atrophy") if blood flow isn’t quickly restored.


It is not clear why this happens, and it is not something that can be prevented.


Most often, neonatal testicular torsion is seen right away, at birth. As part of a baby’s first exam, the testicles will be examined. A twisted testicle will not move freely in the scrotum and the scrotum may be red and swollen. Or, if one testicle is missing, there can be two reasons:

  • It has not dropped down into the scrotum, or
  • It twisted before birth and shrunk in size.

Sometimes the testicles change in color or size during the first weeks of life. If the parent or pediatrician sees a firm, swollen or discolored scrotum an alarm should go off. With these signs, the baby should be checked as soon as possible. Other causes of a firm and/or enlarged scrotum include tumors. But, tumors are very rare in this age group.

Most often, a baby born with a firm, red testicle means the testicle may have already “died” due to lack of blood flow.

Less often, changes in the testicle may be noticed before it dies. Urgent surgical treatment may save it.

An ultrasound might be done. This can show a lack of blood flow and other signs for diagnosis. Still, an ultrasound may not show enough detail, so they are not always used. A simple physical exam is all that may be used for diagnosis.


Most often, the testicle will die before anything can be done for a newborn. Unfortunately, the testicle cannot be saved. If the other testicle is fine, your baby boy can still grow to be healthy and fertile.

In cases where the testicle twists after birth, it may be saved if it is untwisted within a few hours. A pediatric urologist can help. If torsion is seen shortly after birth, talk with a pediatric surgeon immediately. Even if one testicle can’t be saved, surgery may help prevent the other testicle from twisting.

Not all pediatric urologists agree with the need to operate on the opposite testis, though there are some reports of the other testicle twisting as well. There are risks with all surgeries, so it is of great value to think about the risks and talk about all your concerns with your health care team before going forward.

After Treatment

If surgery is offered to save a testicle, the newborn will need to stay in the hospital overnight. The health care team will carefully monitor the baby after anesthesia and check for normal breathing and pulse. The incisions (cuts) are tiny and often painless. If needed, a very small dose of Tylenol may be given for pain.

Frequently Asked Questions

How will my son's future fertility be affected after the loss of a testicle?

Only one healthy testicle is needed for normal fertility. A single testicle will make enough sperm and testosterone. It is vital to talk with your child about the importance of protective measures to prevent testicular injuries in the future. For example, wearing a protective cup when playing contact sports may be helpful.

Can this condition be prevented?

No, this condition cannot be prevented.

Updated October 2024. 

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