AUA Summit - Bladder Health Exercises


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Bladder Health Exercises

Bladder Health Exercises

By: Urology Care Foundation | Posted on: 01 Jul 2015

Diet isn't the only way to help keep your bladder health in check. Working out is a great way to keep fit, help make your bladder stronger and improve bladder symptoms. "Milder, low-impact exercises, such as yoga, swimming and bicycling, can help lessen bladder pressure by lifting your chest, lengthening your backbone and toning your core," said Tomas L. Griebling, MD, MPH. He is vice chair of the department of urology at the University of Kansas. "Steer away from exercises like lifting heavy weights and doing jumping jacks that may put pressure on your bladder and raise your chance of leakage."

Work out based on your own fitness level, and make sure to stay hydrated while exercising. "Drinking water during a workout is important, but guzzling too much water during your routine will likely make you use the bathroom more," said Dr. Griebling. "Try using the bathroom before you start exercising to steer clear of any mishaps, and take a break halfway through your routine to stay up on your water intake."

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