Genetic Testing for Kidney Cancer – What You Should Know Fact Sheet
A description about genetic testing for kidney cancer and how genetic test results may help patients make informed choices.… more
Calcium and Kidney Stones - What You Should Know Fact Sheet
There are two types of calcium stones: calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate. This fact sheet outlines what you should know about calcium and kidney stones.… more
Kidney Cysts - What You Should Know Fact Sheet
As a person ages, sacs filled with fluid, called cysts, can form in the kidneys. This fact sheet outlines what you should know about kidney cysts.… more
Ureteral Stents What You Should Know
A ureteral stent is a plastic, flexible tube that helps the kidney drain urine after kidney stone surgery. Learn about how they feel, how they are removed and when to call a doctor if you feel concerned. … more
Combination Immunotherapy for Kidney Cancer Fact Sheet
Summary of combination immunotherapy for renal cell carcinoma including treatment, adverse reactions and questions to ask the health care team.… more
Kidney Basics
The basics about kidney function, kidney stones and kidney cancer with notes section to help patients and health care teams.… more