AUA Summit - Let's Talk Men's Sexual Health


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Let's Talk Men's Sexual Health

Let's Talk Men's Sexual Health

Posted on: 16 Jun 2023

Group of men playing basketball together.

June is Men’s Health Month, a time to spread awareness about topics that involve men’s health. Men’s health is a great time to bring light to topics that many shy away from talking about, such as men’s sexual health.

We recently sat down with two urologists who specialize in men’s sexual health, Dr. Denise Asafu-Adjei and Dr. Amarnath Rambhatla. They discuss the value of talking about men’s sexual health, common urologic conditions around sexual health for men, testosterone, infertility and how to support your partner in their sexual health.

Here are two quotes from this talk:

“When we talk about sexual health, we’re talking about quality of life. I think often times in medicine, we’re often dealing with conditions like cancer and other things that are, of course, very important. But I do think that sexual health tends to gets side swiped a little bit as being sometimes less important than other aspects of health.” – Denise Asafu-Adjei, MD, MPH

“Men’s sexual health, it’s important for a man’s overall wellbeing and sexual dysfunction can sometimes be a foreshadow of problems to come later in life. For example, erectile dysfunction, especially in younger men, can sometimes manifest before other medical problems such as cardiac problems later in life. So it’s very important for us to be able to identify these issues early on so we can get men treated to help optimize their overall health status early on.” – Amarnath Rambhatla, MD

Listen to the full podcast or watch the full video on YouTube on Men's Sexual Health with Dr. Denise Asafu-Adjei and Dr. Amarnath Rambhatla.

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